Eco-Friendly Roofing Options for Your Home

Need a new roof? Consider these roofing options for your home.

If it’s time to replace your roof, you’ll have some important decisions to make. What color should it be? What material will it be made out of? Can it be durable, long-lasting, and eco-friendly?

If you’re wondering whether it’s possible to install a roof that not only looks good but saves money on your energy bill and helps save the planet, the answer is yes! There are plenty of eco-friendly roofing options available on the market today.

What Are Eco-Friendly Roofs?

Can your choice of roofing really have a positive impact on the environment? A small one, but yes! Eco-friendly roofs are made of materials that positively impact the environment. They reduce energy consumption, and some can even be recycled. Many eco-friendly roofing options are beneficial for your budget too. It’s time to discover your options.

Cool Roofs

Eco-friendly benefits: Reduces home energy costs and keeps your home cool.

While these roofs do look fantastic, “cool” does not refer to being a hip piece of architecture. Cool roofs refer to what they can do, that being, keep your house cool. This option is made of a material that reflects the sun’s rays, decreasing the amount of heat absorbed by your home. They are typically a light color that matches well with any siding and trim.

Cool roofs are primarily known for reducing the cost of your electric bill by keeping your house cooler in the hot months of summer. This roof will allow you to save the world and save your bank account at the same time. How’s that for you?

Wood Shingles

Eco-friendly benefits: Reduces landfill waste by being 100% recyclable.

Wood roofs are durable, lasting anywhere from 15-20 years, and they are incredibly eco-friendly. Wood shingle roofs can be made from recycled wood or responsibly forested trees. The best part? When it comes time to replace your wood shingle roof, the wood can be recycled. Keep in mind that wood is highly flammable and may not be allowed depending on where you live.

Lonnie Hagen

Guest Blogger, Accent Roofing

Lonnie Hagen has over 30 years experience in residential and commercial roofing in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.